Disclaimer: This article has been updated and reviewed for accuracy as of 2025.
The Kit Giallo refers to the yellow packet used in Italy for applying for or renewing a permesso di soggiorno (your Italian residence permit). This kit is crucial for non-EU residents who need to legalize their stay in Italy and it is available at most Italian post offices with dedicated Sportello Amico.
In today’s article, we will provide you with a detailed guide about Kit Giallo and the application process for the permesso di soggiorno.
Where to find the Kit Giallo
The Kit Giallo can be found at post offices equipped with a Sportello Amico service. These are special counters designed to provide various administrative services.
Post offices with Sportello Amico: how to find them
To locate a post office with a Sportello Amico, visit the official website of Poste Italiane. There, you can use the branch locator tool to find the nearest office offering these specific services.
![Photo of Kit Giallo contents](https://gogoitalia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/GGI-Blog-photo-watermarking.png)
Components of the Kit Giallo
The Kit Giallo includes several important documents that must be filled out and submitted:
- Modulo 1 (Form 1): This is the primary application form for the permesso di soggiorno.
- Modulo 2 (Form 2): This is the primary application form for the carta di soggiorno, for workers.
- Foglio Note: A sheet for notes that might be necessary for clarifications or additional details.
- Tabelle: This includes various tables that may need to be filled out as part of the application.
- Bollettino – Importo per il rilascio del permesso di soggiorno elettronico (Payment Slip – Fee for the Issuance of the electronic residence permit) which is used to pay the fee required for issuing an electronic residence permit in Italy.
How to pay your completed Kit Giallo fees
The application fee can be paid through a dedicated Bollettino, a payment slip available in the Kit Giallo. Fill out the slip with the required information and pay the fee at the counter.
The fee for the Bollettino used to pay for the permesso di soggiorno application varies depending on the type and duration of the permit you are applying for. As of the last update, here are some common fees:
- For a permesso di soggiorno that is valid for up to one year: The fee is around €40.
- For a permesso di soggiorno that is valid for two years: The fee is about €50.
Please note that these fees can change based on regulatory updates or specific circumstances of the application.
![Image of marca da bollo for kit giallo](https://gogoitalia.com/wp-content/uploads/2024/05/GGI-Blog-photo-watermarking-1.png)
Marca da Bollo
A marca da bollo (picture above) is a type of revenue stamp in Italy that is used for administrative documents to make them legally valid. For the Kit Giallo, a marca da bollo of 16 euros is required. This stamp should be affixed to a dedicated box on the first page of Modulo 1.
Tabaccherie (small convenience store) commonly sell marca da bollo.
Make sure to specify the amount, as there are different denominations available for different types of documents and requirements.
How to fill out the Kit Giallo?
The envelope indicates a fee of €30.00 to be paid for the postal kit at the time of shipment. Inside the postal kit, there are two modules: Module 1 and Module 2. If you are a student in Italy, you should only fill out Module 1, as Module 2 is intended for workers who have income in Italy. The modules must be completed in readable print, using a black pen within the boxes. Leave one box empty as a space between words. The kit consists of a total of 12 sections.
Let’s find out in detail how to fill out Modulo 1 of the residence permit postal kit.
Section 1: Dati della Richiesta (Request data)
This first section is reserved for the applicant’s personal data.
At point 7, an “X” must be indicated for the type of request being made: If you are a first-time applicant for a permesso di soggiorno for students, mark “X” on number 8 “Rilascio” (Release) and 14 – “permesso di soggiorno” issue, in the case of the first permit or residence card.
Section 2: Dati sull’istanza compilata (Data on the completed application)
This section must be completed only after filling out all other modules and therefore should be filled out last! It should include the total number of pages filled out and the number of A4 paper documents attached.
Section 3: Dati anagrafici (Personal data)
In Section 3, insert the Codice Fiscale (tax code) if you already have one. If you don’t have one already, feel free to refer to our dedicated article on how to obtain it. For marital status, indicate “A” for single and “B” for married. For gender, use “F” for female and “M” for male. Insert all data related to your date and place of birth. The list of country codes is indicated in Attachment 3 inside the postal kit. For the place of birth, you should look at Tabella (list) 3 to find the 3-letter code for your country (e.g., United States of America – USA, South Korea – KOR, Japan – JPN, Canada – CAN).
Section 4: Dati documento di identità (Identity document data)
Insert the data from your passport.
Section 5: Dati visto (Visa data)
This section must be completed only in the case of the first request for a permit or residence card. Here, the visa data must be inserted, such as the entry day in Italy, the border you entered from, the type of visa, and the visa number.
Section 6: Richiesta rinnovo titolo (Request for title renewal)
This section must be completed only by refugees or stateless persons requesting the renewal of their travel document.
Section 7: Recapito in Italia del richiedente (Applicant’s address in Italy)
Indicate the address precisely and always within the boxes.
Section 8: Recapito per eventuali comunicazioni (Address for possible communications)
Insert the address for any communications, only if different from Section 7.
This section is very important because after sending the kit, the Police Headquarters will send a registered letter to the address indicated to summon the foreign citizen for fingerprinting, to deliver the 4 passport photos, and the original of the expired permit, and possibly to integrate the application with other documents.
Section 9: Carta di soggiorno
This section (points 85 to 111) must be completed only by those who must request the unlimited EU residence permit (formerly residence card) for non-EU citizens. In the first box, the details of the certification proving housing suitability must be declared. From points 94 to 111, indicate where you have stayed in Italy in the last five years. The boxes from 113 to 118 must be completed only by those requesting a permit or card, if their respective spouses or parents submit their own request for a permit or card.
Section 10: Familiari a carico conviventi (Dependent family members living Together), Section 11: Coniuge (Spouse), and Section 12: Figli minori di 14 anni a carico regolarmente soggiornanti in Italia (Dependent children under 14 years regularly residing in Italy)
These sections must be completed only in the case of a request for the issue of the residence card or conversion of the residence permit from other reasons to family reasons. In these sections, family members who are dependents must also be indicated.
What to expect after submission: receipts, tracking, and appointments
Questura appointment
After submitting your application, you will receive an appointment at the Questura (police headquarters) for fingerprinting.
Preparing for your appointment at the Questura
Ensure you bring all necessary documents, including your passport and any additional paperwork requested in the appointment letter. Please check Go! Go! Italia’s dedicated article.
The fingerprinting process
During the appointment, your fingerprints will be taken, which is a standard part of the application process for the permesso di soggiorno.
Next steps: receiving your permesso di soggiorno
After fingerprinting, you will receive a temporary receipt (ricevuta) that acts as a temporary permit until your official permesso di soggiorno is ready. The final document can take several months to process.
How to deal with common issues and delays
Delays can occur, and it’s important to keep the ricevuta, which serves as proof of your legal status while your permesso di soggiorno is being processed. If you encounter significant delays or issues, it’s advisable to consult with immigration experts or legal assistance.
If you’re seeking to study Italian in Italy, contact Go! Go! Italy for free assistance. We’re here to help you have the best memories in Italy while simplifying the Italian immigration process. Follow our blog and social media for more information!