Why learning Italian for English speakers is so easy (And vice versa)

By mina
16 Jul 2024
Reading Time: 4 minutes
Learning Italian for english speakers

Learning a new language can seem challenging, but learning Italian for English speakers can be surprisingly easy. Similarly, Italian speakers often find English to be a manageable second language. This mutual ease comes from several linguistic, cultural, and historical factors.

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Linguistic similarities

1. Shared Latin roots: Both English and Italian have a lot of Latin influences. While English is a Germanic language, its vocabulary has been heavily shaped by Latin, especially after the Norman Conquest. Italian, being a Romance language, comes directly from Latin. This means many English and Italian words have common roots. For example, words like animal in English translates to animale, hospital to ospedale, and student to studente. These similar words are easy to recognize between the two languages.

2. Similar grammar structures: Italian and English grammar have several similarities that make learning easier. Both languages use the subject-verb-object order in sentences. Although Italian verbs have more endings than English ones, the basic grammatical principles are not very different. Also, the use of articles, prepositions, and adjectives follows a somewhat familiar pattern, reducing the learning curve for English speakers.

3. Pronunciation and phonetics: Italian pronunciation is relatively straightforward for English speakers. Italian is largely phonetic, meaning words are pronounced as they are spelled, unlike English with its many inconsistent spelling rules. The Italian alphabet also shares most letters with English, making it easier to master basic pronunciation.

4. Italian in arts and cuisine: Italian culture, especially its art, music, and cuisine, has a significant influence worldwide. English speakers often encounter Italian words and phrases in contexts related to opera, classical music, food, and fashion. Terms like piano, al dente, espresso, and prima donna are commonly used in English, providing a cultural bridge that makes learning Italian easier.

5. Educational opportunities: Both languages benefit from extensive learning resources and opportunities. Language learning apps, online courses, and exchange programs are abundant for English and Italian learners. Universities and language schools often offer Italian courses for English speakers and vice versa, supported by a variety of textbooks, audio materials, and interactive tools.

Additionally, English speakers who learn Italian can take advantage of study opportunities in Italy. Italian universities offer many programs in both Italian and English, providing a unique chance to immerse oneself in Italy’s rich academic and cultural environment. Whether pursuing undergraduate, graduate, or short-term study programs, students can experience world-renowned education while exploring Italy’s historic cities and vibrant culture.

If you want to pursue higher education in Italy, contact Go! Go! Italia to find out about university preparatory courses. 

How long does it take learning Italian for English speakers?

The Foreign Service Institute (FSI) and general guidelines used in language education. The FSI, which trains U.S. diplomats, categorizes Italian as a Category I language, suggesting that it takes approximately 600-750 hours to achieve professional working proficiency. These estimates are widely referenced in language learning communities and educational resources.

The CEFR breaks language proficiency into six levels: A1, A2, B1, B2, C1, and C2. Here’s an overview of how long it might take to reach each level.

A1 and A2 Levels: Basic User

A1 Level: Breakthrough At this stage, learners can use simple phrases and sentences. For English speakers, reaching A1 typically takes about 80-100 hours of study, achievable in around 2-3 months with consistent effort.

A2 Level: Waystage Learners can handle routine tasks and basic communication. Achieving A2 generally requires an additional 100-150 hours of study, making it possible to reach this level in about 4-6 months of regular practice.

B1 and B2 Levels: Independent User

B1 Level: Threshold At B1, learners can deal with most situations while traveling and express themselves on familiar topics. Reaching this level usually takes around 350-400 total hours of study, often achievable in about a year of moderate study (10-15 hours per week).

B2 Level: Vantage Learners can interact with native speakers with ease and produce detailed text. Achieving B2 proficiency typically requires around 500-600 total hours of study, attainable in approximately 1.5 years with consistent effort.

C1 and C2 Levels: Proficient User

C1 Level: Effective operational proficiency At this advanced stage, learners can use Italian flexibly and effectively. Reaching C1 generally takes about 700-800 total hours of study, which can be achieved in around 2 years with dedicated study.

C2 Level: Mastery C2 signifies near-native proficiency, requiring about 1000-1200 total hours of study. For most learners, this level can be reached in 3-4 years with persistent effort.


In conclusion, learning Italian for English speakers can be very easy (and vice versa), due to a mix of linguistic similarities, cultural connections, and abundant learning resources. This mutual accessibility not only enhances personal growth and communication but also fosters a deeper understanding between cultures. As globalization continues to bridge distances, the ability to speak multiple languages, especially those with intertwined histories like English and Italian, becomes increasingly valuable.

Learning Italian for English speakers opens doors to Italy’s rich cultural heritage, world-renowned education, and vibrant daily life. Speaking Italian simply enriches your experience regardless why you are learning it.

For more information on learning Italian for English speakers in Italy and to take advantage of educational opportunities, contact Go! Go! Italia. Start your journey of learning Italian today and discover the many benefits it brings to your personal and professional life. 

Begin your adventure in Italy!

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