Step-by-Step Guide to the Student Visa for Italy: How to fill out the visa application form

By mina
26 Jul 2024
Reading Time: 5 minutes
student visa for italy photo

Today, I would like to share my experiences with Italian bureaucracy and give you tips on how to fill out a student visa for Italy application form.

Ciao a tutti! I am Mina from the Go! Go! Italia team. I have lived in five different countries (both EU and non-EU) as a South Korean national. I have spent most of my time in Italy as a foreign student, aside from my homeland, Seoul.

Most of us overlook—including myself in the past—the fact that the first real encounter we have with a different country and its culture, once we are no longer tourists, is with the country’s bureaucracy. We very rarely speak about how each country’s bureaucracy is different and is reflecting its culture and people.

For example, a country like Japan still uses fax machines and stamps for their documents. In the USA, a driver’s license is a valid identity card, whereas in many other countries it is used solely for driving. South Korea has a highly digitalized bureaucracy, while Italy has its own specific customs and culture, which are still quite traditional and conservative but are gradually transitioning to digitalization. It is important to understand that each system has its own upside and downside. We can truly broaden our perspective only when we embrace your destination’s culture and customs. 

Student visa for italy

Let’s face it: Italy’s bureaucracy is known to take its time, and it can be quite overwhelming for a first-timer. During my fourth year in Italy, I ran into a Korean friend in my school’s library. It was his first year in Italy. He started calling me an “angel,” and I didn’t know why. He explained that he was struggling to fill out the residence permit application form, as it was all in Italian. He had prayed to God to send him someone to help, and right at that moment, I passed by! It made me laugh, and I sat down next to him. We filled out all the forms together, and I gave him instructions on what to do next. I had already done it four times for myself, so it was a piece of cake for me. But for the first-timer it could feel very overwhelming.

This is what Go! Go! Italia is happy to offer to our partner school students. We will help you with all the struggles of paperwork for visa applications, free of charge, so you can happily start your journey in Italy. This always brings us great joy!

In this article, we are happy to help you with step-by-step guidance on how to fill out a visa application form for student visa for Italy!

Step 1: Make an appointment at your local Italian embassy on Prenot@mi.
You should first make an appointment online in order to apply for student visa for Italy. We highly recommend that you make the appointment as soon as you decide to leave for Italy, as it might have limited availability. You can apply for your visa 6 months before your departure at the earliest.

Please note that not all embassies use this specific booking system. In some cases, you may need to schedule an appointment via email instead. Be sure to verify the correct procedure with your local embassy or consulate.

Step 2: Print out the application form for your student visa for Italy

Visit your local Italian embassy‘s website to download the student visa application form and print it out. Make sure to download the Long-term stay visa – National D form.

Step 3: Let’s fill it out!

Here is the information you need to fill out in order to complete the application form for student visa for Italy:

  • Surname / Cognome: Write your family name as it appears in your passport.
  • Surname at birth / Cognome alla nascita: If different, enter your surname at birth.
  • First name(s) / Nome/i: Enter your given name(s) as in your passport.
  • Date of birth / Data di nascita: Enter your birth date in DD-MM-YYYY format.
  • Place of birth / Luogo di nascita: Enter the city or town where you were born.
  • Country of Birth / Stato di nascita: Enter the country where you were born.
  • Current Nationality / Cittadinanza attuale: Enter your current nationality.
  • Sex / Sesso: Select your gender (Male / Female).
  • Marital status / Stato civile: Indicate your marital status.
  • For minors / Per i minori: Enter the details of the parental authority or legal guardian if applicable.
  • Type of travel document / Tipo di documento: Indicate the type of passport you are using.
  • Travel document number / Numero del documento di viaggio: Enter your passport number.
  • Date of issue / Data di rilascio: Enter the date your passport was issued.
  • Valid until / Valido fino al: Enter the expiration date of your passport.
  • Issued by / Rilasciato da: Enter the authority that issued your passport.
  • Telephone Number(s) / Numero di telefono: Provide your contact numbers.
  • Home address / Indirizzo del domicilio: Enter your home address in your current country.
  • Residence in a country other than current nationality / Residenza in un paese diverso dal paese di cittadinanza attuale: If applicable, enter your residence details.
  • Current occupation / Occupazione attuale: Indicate your current job or occupation.
  • Educational institution / Datore della scuola, indirizzo e numero di telefono: Provide details of your current employer or school.
  • Purpose of the journey / Scopo del viaggio: Select the purpose of your stay (e.g., Study, Work, Family Reunion).
  • City of destination / Città di destinazione: Enter the city in Italy where you will stay.
  • Schengen state of first entry / Stato membro di primo ingresso: Indicate the Schengen country you will enter first.
  • Number of entries requested / Numero di ingressi richiesti: Choose the type of visa (Single, Double, or Multiple entry).
  • Duration of stay / Durata del soggiorno: Specify the number of days you intend to stay (max 365 days).
  • Schengen visas issued in the last 3 Years / Visti Schengen rilasciati negli ultimi tre anni: If applicable, provide details of previous Schengen visas.
  • Previous fingerprints / Impronte digitali rilevate in precedenza: Indicate if your fingerprints were previously collected for a Schengen visa.
  • Intended date of arrival / Data di arrivo prevista nell’area Schengen: Enter your planned arrival date in the Schengen area.
  • Intended date of departure / Data di partenza prevista dall’area Schengen: Enter your planned departure date (if applicable).
  • Inviting Person’s Details / Cognome e nome della persona che ha richiesto il ricongiungimento: Provide details of the person or organization inviting you, if applicable.
  • Organization details / Nome e indirizzo organizzazione che invita: detail of the organization inviting you.
  • Costs covered by / Spese di viaggio e di soggiorno: Indicate who will cover your travel and living expenses.
  • EU, EEA or Swiss Family Member Details / Dati anagrafici del familiare che è cittadino dell’UE, SEE o CH: If applicable, provide details of your EU, EEA, or Swiss family member.
  • Family relationship / Vincolo familiare con un cittadino dell’UE, SEE o CH: Specify your relationship to the EU, EEA, or Swiss citizen.
  • Place and date / Luogo e data: Enter the place and date where you are completing the form.
  • Signature / Firma: Sign the application form.

If you need any assistance for visa processing to study Italian in Italy, contact Go! Go! Italia for free assistance.

Step 4: Attend your scheduled appointment with the filled application form and required documents!

You can find the list of required documents for student visa for Italy in our dedicated article.

student visa for italy


My experience of applying for student visa for Italy and residence permits in four different countries taught me one thing: there is no single right way to handle bureaucracy. What I am trying to say is that it is important to understand that the bureaucracy of each country, to some degree, reflects its culture and people. Each system has its pros and cons, and it is important to respect and embrace them with patience.

If you are ready to start your journey to study in Italy and embrace its culture, contact Go! Go! Italia. We will help you at no extra cost.

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